Global Equity

Results as of 2024-07-25

Evovest Global Equity Strategy aims to create superior returns in CAD when compared to a passive equal weighted portfolio of the world’s largest market capitalizations over a complete market cycle.

The underlying strategy relies on the automation and enhancement of the fundamental investment process of a portfolio manager, using artificial intelligence (AI).

The Fund presents a medium risk profile through diversification by design, with a volatility similar or lower to its benchmark, by taking positions in more than 100 constituents spread across the globe, namely the USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore & Australia.


Evovest MSCI World EW
Return (ann.) 12.33% 7.87%
Alpha (ann.) 4.47% NA
Std (ann.) 12.75% 13.45%
Reward / Risk 0.97 0.58
Max drawdown -28.71% -30.56%
Tracking error (ann.) 4.77% NA
Beta 0.88 1.00
Evovest MSCI World EW
This Week -0.88% -0.34%
MTD 1.19% 2.79%
QTD 1.19% 2.79%
YTD 14.40% 9.52%
TTM 15.22% 13.07%
Last 3Y (ann.) 9.70% 4.44%
Last 5Y (ann.) 12.19% 7.53%

Monthly Returns

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YTD
2019 2.9% 2.0% 1.1% -3.1% 3.8% 1.8% -0.9% 1.1% 1.6% 2.6% 0.2% 13.7%
2020 0.7% -7.1% -10.3% 7.8% 4.8% 4.6% 0.2% 4.1% 0.3% -2.3% 9.9% 4.6% 16.4%
2021 0.5% 3.8% 1.1% 2.5% -0.7% 1.8% 0.9% 3.6% -2.5% 2.8% -0.7% 4.0% 18.4%
2022 -5.8% -0.2% 1.6% -3.2% -0.4% -6.0% 7.1% 0.6% -4.7% 1.4% 11.3% -0.9% -0.5%
2023 5.9% -0.6% 1.4% 1.4% -5.0% 2.3% 1.9% -0.6% -4.1% -3.3% 6.7% 2.9% 8.5%
2024 2.9% 4.6% 4.3% -1.2% 2.1% -0.3% 1.2% 14.4%